Technical talent lurks in invisible corners. And we like to come there. We go beyond the standards to discern craftsmanship and expertise. In this way we match the most valuable skills with your key vacancies.
You can no longer find technical skills with a standard approach. Our technics consultants distinguish themselves thanks to their detective talent, consistent follow-up and smart persistence. We don't know letting go.
A unique combination of strengths and, therein lies the greatest strength of our candidates. And we cherish that. We don't think in boxes, only on a human scale. In this way, we also remain on the radar of our candidates. And them on ours.
One dedicated colleague grabs your vacancy, a team of recruiters and offices follows along. Every match is teamwork, because attracting technical talent deserves the collective commitment of each of us.
You don't want to let go of technical talent. Would you rather propose a permanent contract right away? Which can. We leave the choice to you and the candidate. We make it work.