We sit down at the table with the customer to draw up a plan. Ready set go! Action follows after the plan. The AGO Food team sees every challenge as the greatest opportunity and shines in speed, quality and atmosphere management.
We are committed to a solid customer experience. We know food companies inside and out. We decipher everyone's corporate culture and with that superpower we always get the right cultural fit in sight.
Experience is a strength. The recruiters are thorough ambassadors and immediately take starters into the Food vibe with their passion and know-how. A dynamic team with a corner and can be trusted 100%!
From production employee in the chocolate shop to baker in the supermarket to operator in the brewery. All jobs involving food… Welcome to our paradise of job opportunities!
We know the nutritional rules blindly by heart. Just like the language of our candidates. Do you speak Romanian, Polish or…? A windfall, with some language talents in the team, we are happy to be your interpreter.